

What is praying in the spirit?

The Biblical phrase “praying in the spirit” is often defined different ways by different people. For Charismatic Christians—people who believe the gifts of the Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12 are still in operation today—this term is usually synonymous with praying in tongues. They believe that Christians can have a sort of “prayer language” where their spirit is praying in an unknown language, bypassing their natural understanding, and their spirit communicates directly with God’s Spirit. For cessationists—people who believe gifts...

I Triple Dog Dare You!

I was warped at an early age. But it was the good kind of warping. My parents made my brother and I memorize scripture as young children. There’s a story that has reached legendary status in the Nunnally family that tells of my then four-year-old older brother being asked what his name was by a stranger at the beach. He replied, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.” Classic. One of the verses I memorized as a...

Why Did the Prophets Miss it About Trump’s Second Term?

Maybe you saw all of the predictions like I did. Many well-known prophets confidently and publicly prophesied that President Trump would win a second term. God had decreed it, according to them, and it was a done deal. It’s been one of the few times I’ve seen the prophetic movement in such unity regarding an issue. But here we are—Joe Biden has been sworn in as the 46th President of the United States and Trump did not win a second...

God Likes You

Do you remember in grade school when someone would pass a “do you like me – check yes or no” note to someone they liked? Well guess what? If you passed the note to God, He would check “yes.” God likes you. Read that statement again. Do you really believe it? Do you merely agree with it in theory or has it worked its way into your heart? Christians have heard that God loves us. We’ve been taught that regularly...

Why I Don’t Live For Jesus Anymore

I need to let everyone know that don’t live for Jesus anymore. Don’t worry – I’m still a Christian and follower of Jesus! However, I have a real problem with the phrase “living for Jesus.” I’ve heard it everywhere in Christendom – songs, sermons, testimonies. I’ve been in services where the altar call invited people to come down front and declare that they will do a better job of “living for Jesus.” I understand the idea of living for Jesus...