God Likes You

September 9, 2019

Do you remember in grade school when someone would pass a “do you like me – check yes or no” note to someone they liked? Well guess what? If you passed the note to God, He would check “yes.”

God likes you.

Read that statement again. Do you really believe it? Do you merely agree with it in theory or has it worked its way into your heart? Christians have heard that God loves us. We’ve been taught that regularly and most of us believe it, at least from a theological standpoint. But the idea that God likes us – that He enjoys our company and wants to be around us – is a little harder to wrap our minds around.

Most of us project our relationships with our natural parents, especially our fathers, onto God. The problem is, even the most patient and loving parent can only endure so much. All parents get annoyed with their kids from time to time, and need a break every once in a while.  But God is not that way.  If you’re on a “break” from God, He’s waiting on you to return. He never left. He never tires of you. He likes being with you.

How do I know God likes you? What scripture can I use to prove my point? There are many. But the best proof is found in the larger picture of God’s interaction with mankind. Would you create and keep something you didn’t like? No you’d trash it, just like me. Yet, God is long-suffering towards His creation despite our obvious imperfection. Would you die for someone you didn’t like? No way. Yet, God Himself paid the penalty that our sin required: death. If God doesn’t like you, why does He do the things He does on your behalf? I mean, He’s God – its not like any one is making Him sustain your life. He wants to do it.

Now, its important to understand that God doesn’t like you because you’re so great. He likes you because He’s so great! The fact that God likes you doesn’t mean He won’t correct you or ask you to change. He loves you too much to leave you the way you are. He cares about you too much to allow sin to destroy your life. You see, sin hurts us and that hurts God. Whenever God forbids a certain activity, He’s not trying to take something from us, but give something to us: life, peace and joy. You shouldn’t see these behavioral instructions as something we do to appease an annoyed God. He’s not putting up with you, He’s lovingly leading you into what is best.

I encourage you to embrace the idea that God likes you. Not only is it true from a theological standpoint, but its practical application to your life will allow you to live freely and passionately. Understanding how God feels about you will help you gauge how you feel about Him and make you want to obey Him even more.

So, be confident as you pursue the Lord. He likes you!

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