Why I Don’t Live For Jesus Anymore

September 4, 2019

I need to let everyone know that don’t live for Jesus anymore.

Don’t worry – I’m still a Christian and follower of Jesus! However, I have a real problem with the phrase “living for Jesus.” I’ve heard it everywhere in Christendom – songs, sermons, testimonies. I’ve been in services where the altar call invited people to come down front and declare that they will do a better job of “living for Jesus.” I understand the idea of living for Jesus meaning that He’s the reason you live – He’s the purpose and motivation behind your life. But most of the time I hear this phrase, its not in that context. While it may seem very admirable and even a desirable goal as a Christian to live for Him, I believe its NOT what Christians are called to do.

So whats the problem with living for Jesus?

1) Its unbiblical. Go ahead and look for the phrases “live for Jesus,” ” live for Him,” and “live for God” in scripture. I’ve searched multiple translations of the Bible and I can’t find it consistently anywhere. In Galatians 2:19 the NIV and NLT versions says “live for God” but the same verse is translated “live to God” in almost every other translation. “Live to God” seems to denote living our lives with God as our purpose – and makes much more sense than “live for God.” Basically, the idea of living for Jesus is not found in the bible.

2) Its impersonal. Think about it – when you do something for someone, they aren’t there, right? If someone asks you to run an errand for them, it because they aren’t around to do it.  So if we’re living for God, where is He? John 3:16 says that God so loved us that sent Jesus. Why? So we could have the restored relationship that Adam enjoyed with God. He wants to be with us!

3) Its impossibleGalatians 2:21 says that righteousness cannot come from our own efforts. You, by your own works, can’t do anything to put yourself in right-standing with God. No matter how hard you try to live for Him, you’ll fail. This doesn’t mean we don’t attempt live holy lives unto God, but you can’t “do” Christianity without Christ!

So if we don’t live for Jesus, how do we live?

1)   Live in Jesus – 2 Cor 5:17 says we become new creatures if we are IN Christ – not living for him. If you look up with word “in” in Greek, it means “hidden in, tucked away, in the interior,” and the AMP version says “ingrafted.” Its the same word used of Jesus being “in” his mother Mary before He was born.  Doesn’t that sound good – to be completely hidden in, provided for, protected and shielded by Jesus? In addition, living in Him is even the way you deal with sin –  Romans 8:1 – “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are IN Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.” There is no sin in Jesus, so as we hide ourselves in Him and learn to walk in the spirit, sin becomes a non-issue.

2)   Live through Jesus – Philippians 4:13. – “I can do all things THROUGH Christ.”  1 John 4:9 – “God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live THROUGH Him.” When you do something through another, you’re using that thing’s power and ability, not your own.  What great news! See, we don’t have to live for Jesus, we live through Him and use His strength and wisdom.  We are acceptable to God when we live THROUGH him – 1 Peter 2:5. Whats more, you don’t work for Him, He works THROUGH you as you submit to Him – Hebrews 13:20,21

3)   Live with Jesus – Colossians 2:13 says that we are alive WITH Him – the word “with” being “a preposition denoting union” (Strongs). Union – isn’t that why God sent Jesus –  to restore our union with Him? Again, when you do something for someone, they aren’t there. However, when you live WITH Jesus, He is everywhere you go. You take Him to work with you, He goes grocery shopping with you and watches TV with you. 2 Cor 13:4 explains that if you want to have the power of God active in your life, its not earned – it comes by Him being WITH you.

I encourage you to stop living for Jesus. Just quit – its not what you were made to do. Instead live in Him, live through Him, and live with Him. You’ll find your relationship with Him will run much deeper than it ever has before. Once we stop trying to do Christianity in our power, we can learn to simply be Christians in, through and with His power.

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