The Secret to Christianity

August 14, 2019

Have you ever wondered if there is some secret to Christianity that you haven’t uncovered yet? Maybe you see other Christians hearing from God all the time, confident in their faith and doing great while you feel like you’re barely getting by. Some believers feel like they’re on the outside looking in. Everybody else “gets it” while they struggle. Everyone else wears their Christianity like a perfectly sized coat while their spiritual clothes just don’t fit right. So many people feel that if they could just uncover that special truth, have that one mountaintop experience, or understand that one eye-opening concept—then they would finally feel like the rest of us.

Well, I am here to tell you today that I possess that super-special secret. Are you ready? Really, ready? Because this could change your life. You’re sure? OK, here it is:


Seriously. The secret to Christianity is that there is no secret to Christianity. It is not only for the in-crowd. There’s no bestselling book by the latest Christian author you have to read, no sermon you must hear and no divine revelation you need to receive. Being a Christian is done by faith. By sheer definition, faith means you don’t always “get it” but you’re willing to trust anyway. It means you don’t always feel like a Christian, but you still believe Jesus is saving you. We are called believers, after all!

So, if there is no secret, how come we don’t always feel like it’s working for us when it looks as if it’s working for others? Well first off, your walk with God is not based on how you feel—it’s based on constant interaction with God regardless of how you feel. If Jesus had trusted His feelings, He might not have ever gone to the cross. Aren’t you glad He responded apart from how He felt?

Secondly, don’t compare yourself to others. That’s not being fair to yourself since you’re keenly aware of all your faults, but you only know what others let you see. You simply don’t possess enough information about others to accurately compare yourself to them.

This is the essence of Christianity: Get up in the morning and spend some time with God by either praying, worshiping, meditating or reading the Word. Go to work, school, or whatever God has set before you, and do it as an act of worship to Him. Love and serve others as best you can along the way. Call on God when you fail. Share Him when you feel prompted. Enjoy your life. Go to bed. Get up in the morning and do it all over again. Wash, rinse, and repeat.

That’s it. The life of a Christian is a life of being constantly aware of God in your day-to-day activities, asking Him to guide you and obeying Him the best you can. There’s no secret that all the other “good” Christians have. If others seem more advanced, that simply means they’ve either been at it longer than you and have had more practice, or they’re just faking it.

So that’s the secret: there is no secret. Don’t spend your Christian walk chasing after an unattainable benchmark. Just connect with your Father, through Jesus, and learn to let the Holy Spirit lead you regularly. Live this way every day and watch how God begins to move in your life. You will be amazed how taking the pressure off yourself will actually speed up your spiritual growth. Go ahead and embrace this “secret.” You’ll experience freedom and confidence in your walk with the Lord like never before.

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